Friday, May 21, 2010

Crossroads to Africa

Spent Thursday with Jackie, a friend, who will leave shortly for Togo on an OCA cross-cultural project. She's leading a team of nine volunteers who will work respectively on a reforestration, microfinance business and an education project. It will be the first trip to Africa for her team members.

Driving home I found my thoughts wandering back to Mother Africa. Africa is my ineffable joy. The next day I searched in vain for my memory book, also known as, a travel journal. I wanted to relive that first visceral connection with the continent--an awakening. Some of it was painful, all of it was cathartic. That journey or homecoming gave birth to my passionate love for its people, the land, new, strange and sometimes, puzzling customs. I fell in love with my African self.

I did locate a few poems which I penned in Ghana.

~My DNA's Journey~
The sea could not bear me again
I travel via air through the portal of time.
The journey is complete
I am on African soil.
# # #
I am a prayer made flesh
Tears, sweat and blood
Music of your lungs and the power of your loins
I am the fruit of your womb; or is it your wounds?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spring Fever (series)

Garden dalliances
Regeneration birth daze
Supplanting the past

# # #

Sexual frenzy
Bees and butterflies delight
On arresting buds

# # #

Orgasmic season
Surreal buzz from perfumed air
Floral scents drug me

Monday, May 17, 2010

Company on the Journey

Amidst the thicket of morning traffic, I had to promptly remind myself that it was indeed Sunday, not Monday or a weekday. So taken back by the sheer volume of vehicles cruising around and beside me, I scanned each car's interior noticing the drivers and occupants as I sat at a red light. Like me, most people were dressed for church services. St. Joseph's Catholic, St. Michael's Lutheran, Evangel Cathedral and First Baptist Church of Glenarden were among several nearby places of worship. (My Sunday pilgrimage would take me 20 minutes farther.)

It was a sacred moment to realize that I was surrounded by my sisters and brothers in Christ. Our early mornings comings and goings demonstrated our longing to worship with our respective faith families. This rush hour traffic represented my extended Christian community and I was in blessed company. "Surely the Lord is in this place..." Gen. 28:16

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fertility; and Meditation

Soil lives to give birth
Seeds of change take root blossom
In rich consciousness

# # #

Cooling engine off
Tranquil spaces beckon me
To park my soul here

Monday, May 3, 2010

Happiness Prayer

I am happy you needed me
Thrilled, just to be
Life, I am yours.
Asante sana, Gracias,
Danke, Merci.


Delicious kisses gently brown me
into a sweet dark chocolate goddess.
But I must not linger long or else your love will burn.

© Diane T. Waldo

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Haïku Efforts

Last week a friend invited me to write and share Haïku poems with her after she listened to an inspiring interview of scholar, activist, and poet Sonia Sanchez. This request evoked a painful moment in my creative past when after a few weeks in Japan I rendered my joyful and mystical experiences into Haïku. I shared them, but was summarily informed that my poetry was NOT Haïku. And that I disregarded every aspect of this revered poetic tradition. Enough said! I never wrote another.

Fast forward – I like some challenges. I love word play; in fact, I am in love with words and their power. Crafting a real Haïku seems a delicious challenge now, although essays and short stories are my favorite things to pen.

I picked up the gauntlet. My initial efforts were excruciating, much like I’ve imagined childbirth. Wry Creation was the flippant result after hours of struggle but ego could not give up. I am pleased with Aroma Therapy which seems to honor all the Japanese requirements. Eventually I hope to create something lovely, and perhaps truly poignant. I shall call upon my muse but meanwhile here are my humble beginnings. What do you, think?

[Oh yes, I do realize Haïku poems are not titled, please grant this student poetic license.]

[Wry Creation]

Haïku eludes me
Its form defy my capture
Exerting its power

[Aroma Therapy]

Amidst swaying pines
Winds soothe like holy waters
For body and soul