Sunday, August 2, 2009

An Everyday Man

I enjoy a beautiful man, one whose lusty presence and smiling eyes warms my mornings no matter the weather outside. His beauty issues forth from his spirit, his zeal for life and not from his face or frame.

Breakfasts and dinners I want to share, although our lives may have different interests and demands. An everyday man to journey with, not regular trysts or vacation flame: his or mine.

Someone to take charge and tend those things that need masterful hands; a male to keep me on my toes, and make them tingle too. Helpmate, housemate, partner, friend--an every day man, I seek.

I desire my bearings, a true north, who shares my values and world view. I want to amplify my love. Love is energy, you know. I relish a fuller life, and this life welcomes you.