Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Communications Thwarted

After placing a phone call several days ago I received a FB response that read and I quote: “…received your message…hate talking on the phone so I don’t answer calls…what’s up?...”

‘WHAT’S UP?’ you want to know. I wanted to discuss a number of things. I wanted your valued opinion on a subject. I wanted the immediacy of an answer before our communications concluded. I wanted to share an idea. Until now I didn’t realize that I wanted to hear a voice—the human connection. But alas, this is not to be because it seems you restrict some communications to emails or the social networks. Well this gives me new food for thought. Previously I decided not to FB or befriend utter strangers or anyone approximating 3 degrees of separation but perhaps it’s time to rethink this matter and retire some other folks aka FB relationships whom I mistaken for friends. That’s what’s up with me now.

1 comment:

  1. I thought your piece had some valid points on the human factor could be explored more in the writing.

    Keep up the writing.

    Be A Blessing!
